RJC World

Reaching Japanese for Christ (RJC) is a network of loving Christians, primarily in Norh America, who are helping Japanese who are here temporarily.

Monday, June 05, 2006

As they Return

At this time of year many Japanese students are preparing to return to Japan. Perhaps some of your friends are returning also. Often it is a difficult transition because of the ways the student has changed over the last year or months. And if they have become a Christian, or become a seeker, that transition becomes even more difficult.

Please do all you can to help them. Talk with them about the possible changes can help. Ask questions about how things will be with their family, friends, school situation, and church. Perhaps some will have become Christians, and never have attended a Japanese church.

Here are a few quick points:
1. Help them to see what is Western Christianity, and what is Bible-based faith.

2. Try to connect them with a Japanese Christian or pastor before they return.

3. Make sure to you find a Christian or a church that can follow them up in Japan. You may contact me for more information on this. don_wright@mac.com.

4. Keep praying and keep connected by email. Set some kind of a promise-goal that you will send emails, letters, birthday and special cards for at least five years.

You can download "Returning to Japan," A Reentry Workbook at http://www.intervarsity.org/ism/article/3502.

Don Wright


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