RJC World

Reaching Japanese for Christ (RJC) is a network of loving Christians, primarily in Norh America, who are helping Japanese who are here temporarily.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

A Request and an Opportunity

1. Pittsuburgh Help.
Robert is asking help to find a family to stay with in the Pittsuburgh area, and also a church. If you have any help, please contact don_wright@mac.com.

Here are the details:
1) She wants a first-language English Christian family to board with (home stay) near or conveniently located to Pittsburgh Ballet School (2900 Liberty Ave., Pittsburgh).

2) She wants a Japanese or Japanese/English congregation similarly located near her living quarters and/or the school

This young lady is an aspiring ballerina. The school in Pittsburgh has a ballet company attached to the school and she is hoping that this will help her to eventually find employment in this field.

2. An English Teaching Opportunity in Akita, Japan

From Gini
My friend in small town Kisakata, Japan is looking for a teacher for his English school. Mr. Sloan Carlson is an American married to a Japanese lady, with a small boy. He and his wife own and run a great school in Akita prefecture several hours north of Tokyo on the sea.
The couple that have worked for him for 2 years will be returning to Anacortes soon, so he would like to find some new teachers.

If you are interested, or know someone who might be interested, please contact "Sloan Carlson"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can I get in touch with Sloan Carlson?

8:21 AM  

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