RJC World

Reaching Japanese for Christ (RJC) is a network of loving Christians, primarily in Norh America, who are helping Japanese who are here temporarily.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Japanese Americans- A Powerful Potential

Yesterday at the Asian American church we attend in the afternoon I again glimpsed at the potential. The person came up to me and asked about our recent trip to Japan. He expressed his interest in going to Japan again with his young family.

I asked him about his Japanese roots and he said that his father's side connects with Kumamoto and his mother's with Niigata. His interest in going to Japan stems from his Christian faith and Japanese heritage, but didn't seem to connect with at interest in either Kumamoto or Niigata.

So I started my usual sermon, challenging him to 1) become familiar with his family roots; 2) pray for the towns where his parents came from; and 3) try to visit those areas in his trip to Japan.

Sadly, many Japanese Americans have even less interest in their roots than my friend has. But what a potential! There are over 1,200,000 Japanese Americans. That means there are at least 1,200 Christians among this group, probably two or three times more than that. Just think what a powerful force it would be if Japanese Christian Americans would 1) become familiar with their family roots; 2) pray for the towns, and churches in that area, from which their ancestors came; and 3) try to visit those areas to express Christian interest.

Here is the challenge. Whenever you meet a Japanese American Christian, use my three point sermon to turn their eyes and hearts back home.


Tuesday, October 02, 2007

RJC is about networking

Last weekend I was in Los Angeles for a planning meeting with RJC Southern California. That was on Friday, September 28. Then on Sunday I visited two different Japanese church in the area. In all these meetings I was impressed again of how reaching Japanese for Christ is a team task, a network of many people sharing Jesus and love. Here are a few examples:
1. A Korean American young man who attended one year at Waseda University in Tokyo to learn Japanese. Now he is back in Los Angeles attending a Japanese church in the afternoon, burdened for Japanese. He plans to return to Japan to share Jesus through English teaching.

2. A Japanese who came to L.A. for college, met Jesus through the Korean Campus Crusade for Christ ministry on her campus. Now she is on staff with KCCC reaching out to Japanese students in Southern California.

3. A Japanese student who has recently become a Christian in a Japanese church here. He has never attended a church in Japan.

All around the USA and Canada good people are reaching out to Japanese students, business people and their families, and short-term visitors. And together we participate in God's Kingdom work.