Conference, Festival, and Decisions
There are several things that I have been meaning to share with you all.
1. The coming RJC Conferences.
January 27 at Torrance, California
February 16-18 at Bothell, Washington
These two conferences are going to be the best ever. Please pray. Please attend, and please register on line at .
2. The Okinawa Franklin Graham Festival , November 3-5
A total of over 30,000 people attended this crusade in Okinawa. Close to 2,000 people responded to the invitation to put their faith in Jesus Christ. Please pray for the Christians as they follow up on these people.
You can find out more detail at
3. “Kimigayo” Court Decision
Some of you are aware of the major problem concerning the “Kimigayo” directive in Japan. Kimigayo is the Japan national anthem which has a strong nationalist emphasis, including the veneration of the Emperor. The singing of Kimigayo was central to the patriotic movement during the war, so when Japan officially made this the national anthem in 1999, Asian nations strongly protested. Japanese Christians and others also expressed their strong opposition.
This became a difficult situation as the Department of Education made it mandatory for teachers to stand and sing the national anthem during school ceremonies. Penalties included official warnings, pay cuts and suspensions.
However in September the Tokyo District Court ruled that the Tokyo Metropolitan Government could not force teachers against their wishes to stand and sing the anthem. And the 401 teachers who objected will receive about $300 each as compensation for their unfair treatment.
With many sensing a growing return of nationalism and Shinto pressure, we can thank God for this break in that trend. Pray that Japan will maintain its freedom of religion laws.