RJC World

Reaching Japanese for Christ (RJC) is a network of loving Christians, primarily in Norh America, who are helping Japanese who are here temporarily.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Four Great Prayer Resources

There are many resources to guide you in praying for Japan and Japanese.

Here are four:
1. Operation Japan (I shared this in an earlier note)
The new Operation Japan, 3rd Edition, contains up-to-date information on each prefecture, key prayer targets, and a system for praying through the nation in a year. 
 This prayer guide is an invaluable resource. You can contact me at don_wright@mac.com concerning how to purchase this book.

2. "Free Japan" is a daily prayer guide. http://www.thejapannet.com/free_japan_daily_prayer_guide.htm .

3. The Japan Prayer Strategy E Mail notes that Donn and Daisy Townsend sends out are also excellent prayer resources. They send out regulary notes that have been taking one prefecture at a time with detailed information for prayer. You can receive these notes by requesting them from the Townsends. doda@certainty.net

4. God has given Tatsuo Akamine a vision for a "Japanese Strategic Intercessory Prayer Network." You may request more information at tatsuo_a@sbcglobal.net.


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